2:00 am, final week, Graduate Living Center, Georgia Tech
can i go through this?
NO.... = =|||
作者: Rira (我們的發達之路) 站內: P_windRing
標題: over.
時間: Sat Dec 13 13:02:13 2008
the semester is over.
my first semester here, in Georgia Tech is over
as Dr. Mitchell submitted an A to my final score of her class today.
it is over.
followed by an peirod must be a temporary one.
right. winter break is coming, and next semester will start on Jan 5th.
-it's too far for me to think about anyway.
"it is over." the voice echoed in my mind over and over again.
and i got a kind of weird feeling.
Finally, the semester is over when Dr. Mitchell submitted an A
as my final score this afternoon.
it might be my only 'A' score class though.
all right.
if i didn't do too bad on the Deterministic Optimization Final
i still have the chance to get another 'A' in this semester.
so it would be 2A.....the best case surely.
Deterministic Optimization Final.....
already two days ago,
Judy rushed into the classroom with her face flustered, and cried out.
i do remember that.