2008年9月29日 星期一
My Big Early Greek Class
(Manufacturer System, every Tuesday and Thurday morning.
key words: big class, big disaster, big professor, big question mark....)
"Not even a single word since the class began."
Annie smiled when she saw the message from me.
5 minutes before the class dismissed, beside me, Annie asked me whether
i could understand the class. She said the speech was fine, but not those
on the board. i smiled, and wrote some words to her.
that was last Thursday....
i remembered it so clearly. So clear that i can even feel exactly what i felt there. there...during that class, classes - actually i could recall all of them.
all and the only thing i can do is sit there, sit bended, sit straight, sit with my crossed legs...looking at my watch and counting the time.
quite sad, isn't it?
sometimes, i do feel sad, but it's not a real sad feeling.
For no reason, or for some unknown reasons, i like this class although i never
catch the professor probably just like he never knows what my smile really means as he walked toward me with his waving hands up and down.
i won't fail since i like this class....
gotta go to have my lunch, or i will skip the Optimization ... again...
2008年9月27日 星期六
My First Skip and My first mid-term
(<- the class ...i skipped...three times...???XD)
(<- 9/25 in the library...
maybe i shouldn't skip classes QQ)
Time: 9/16 2:05 p.m.
Event: no afternoon class today.
i didnt have Deterministic Optimization on that day.
well...that's said ...i was supposed to be there.
anyway, i skipped the class for the very first time.
the Deterministic Optimization on Sep 16.
don't ask how i felt because it's hard to tell.
i mean, skipping class seems to be something so natrual to me
who had "countless" records in his undergraduate.
But it's the first time here so i think i need to take a note. XD
what a coincidence!!
that day is the 31th day right affter the semster started.
So maybe i should be proud of the 1-month-long presence record?
Maybe i shouldn't do that.
But the only thing i can do during that class is nothing but try to stay awake. It's not an exaggeration!!! At first, i thought it's about my language, but gradually realized actualy it's the class itself as well...
The professor goes unbelievably fast...
why nobody stops him!!!! India students!! what's wrong with you guys!!!
i need you to stop him!!!!!
so i skipped one class, and two classes, and three.....
professor please forgive me!! i didn't mean it...
時間: 9/26 2:00 p.m.
事件: Deterministic Optimization 期中考
晚上, Joseph問我, do you think you prepared it well?
這樣一個簡單的問題,卻有點答不上來. 我笑說: i don't know. it's the past anyway.
並沒有問過自己這樣的問題, 這幾天, 準備期中的這幾個晚上
- 其實也才三個晚上而已...
所以, 認真嗎?
嗯, 認真吧.
總感覺在這邊考試, 並不是為自己而已. 彷彿彷彿似乎似乎還代表了某種意義
i am from TAIWAN...
教授發了sample test, 類似歷年考題的東西
然後花了三個晚上, 得到了好多人的幫忙, 才勉強解完(有些還不懂)
雖然我平常多少也有看, 不過上課的進度真的是跑的太快了....
good at making thinngs detailed, and complicated XD
三個晚上, 大多是在做題, 也不算是在讀書...
準備這次考試的時候, 我想著
- "大陸人"(政大資科的那隻)真的不在了...我需要你的考前總整理啊!
- 大家都說當學生好, 我也知道當學生可能是幸福的, 可是考試還是有壓力
- 能有一件事情 一個目標 感覺很好
昨天晚上, 小葳來寢室, 一討論就是討論到兩點多(剛好是我和她平時睡覺時間的平均)
(12點和4點<--- 真是很超過!XD)
前天晚上, 喝了一點子維買的即溶麥克斯威爾, 四點才睡著 = =
大前天晚上, 該死的supply chain project, 弄到三點 = =凸
anyway, 無論如何, 一個禮拜總算是過去
考試時間五十分鐘, 在還剩下十八分鐘的時候寫完
(一開始的是非 有一半不確定啊)
夜晚的校園, 十點多, 還挺美的... which 總讓我想起政大晚上的後山
(<- 9/25 in the library...
maybe i shouldn't skip classes QQ)
Time: 9/16 2:05 p.m.
Event: no afternoon class today.
i didnt have Deterministic Optimization on that day.
well...that's said ...i was supposed to be there.
anyway, i skipped the class for the very first time.
the Deterministic Optimization on Sep 16.
don't ask how i felt because it's hard to tell.
i mean, skipping class seems to be something so natrual to me
who had "countless" records in his undergraduate.
But it's the first time here so i think i need to take a note. XD
what a coincidence!!
that day is the 31th day right affter the semster started.
So maybe i should be proud of the 1-month-long presence record?
Maybe i shouldn't do that.
But the only thing i can do during that class is nothing but try to stay awake. It's not an exaggeration!!! At first, i thought it's about my language, but gradually realized actualy it's the class itself as well...
The professor goes unbelievably fast...
why nobody stops him!!!! India students!! what's wrong with you guys!!!
i need you to stop him!!!!!
so i skipped one class, and two classes, and three.....
professor please forgive me!! i didn't mean it...
時間: 9/26 2:00 p.m.
事件: Deterministic Optimization 期中考
晚上, Joseph問我, do you think you prepared it well?
這樣一個簡單的問題,卻有點答不上來. 我笑說: i don't know. it's the past anyway.
並沒有問過自己這樣的問題, 這幾天, 準備期中的這幾個晚上
- 其實也才三個晚上而已...
所以, 認真嗎?
嗯, 認真吧.
總感覺在這邊考試, 並不是為自己而已. 彷彿彷彿似乎似乎還代表了某種意義
i am from TAIWAN...
教授發了sample test, 類似歷年考題的東西
然後花了三個晚上, 得到了好多人的幫忙, 才勉強解完(有些還不懂)
雖然我平常多少也有看, 不過上課的進度真的是跑的太快了....
good at making thinngs detailed, and complicated XD
三個晚上, 大多是在做題, 也不算是在讀書...
準備這次考試的時候, 我想著
- "大陸人"(政大資科的那隻)真的不在了...我需要你的考前總整理啊!
- 大家都說當學生好, 我也知道當學生可能是幸福的, 可是考試還是有壓力
- 能有一件事情 一個目標 感覺很好
昨天晚上, 小葳來寢室, 一討論就是討論到兩點多(剛好是我和她平時睡覺時間的平均)
(12點和4點<--- 真是很超過!XD)
前天晚上, 喝了一點子維買的即溶麥克斯威爾, 四點才睡著 = =
大前天晚上, 該死的supply chain project, 弄到三點 = =凸
anyway, 無論如何, 一個禮拜總算是過去
考試時間五十分鐘, 在還剩下十八分鐘的時候寫完
(一開始的是非 有一半不確定啊)
夜晚的校園, 十點多, 還挺美的... which 總讓我想起政大晚上的後山
2008年9月18日 星期四
Blue and Tired
(Sept. 18 in the campus)
the fall is coming...
9/18 (the 38th days in GA)
blue and tired as they said
they said i look always tired, and blue as well.
i don't know if there is any connection between the two - tired and blue.
well, i admit the tired one, but the blue one?
Maybe yes... very likely, it's just a thing i was not aware of before.
Being blue? Me? Here?
My explanation of why my eyes relecting a certain emptiness is always that
i didn't wear glasses. i told them as well as myself.
And why not wear glasses is another simple one - i feel tired
with it on my face consciously.
So it's about tired(?)
so it might be some connection between the two - tired and blue?
9/16 is Sam's birthday
a friend told me that i look blue on his birthday party last night.
oh! it's so bad, i know.
no! i mean i don't know.
I didn't mean to do that, which i even didn't know i was doing.
so bad.
For some reason either found nothing to do or just wanted some rest,
which i was not clear, i sat aside others with silence.
i didn't want to talk. i am really a silent man here.
So they said i'm blue.
but i was quite happy, and feel comfortable myself.(?)
i'm not blue, maybe a little, but just a little.
As a matter of fact, everybody has some blue parts, ok?
The fall is coming....or it's already there.
2008年9月17日 星期三
Moon Festival (with no moon)
(Barbecue in the backyard of our dorm )
"It's a time for families, friends, everybody to get together.
.....The way taiwanese celebrate it is having barbecue outside
because just watching moon is too boring.."
My ever explanation to foreigners...(well, i am foreign....here)
Rather than Taiwan with the typhoon strike,
the night in Atlanta is perfectly all right. However, we couldn't watch the moon which possibly hidden behind the surrounding dorm buildings. Maybe we should wait for it to climb higher.
it doesn't matter at all anyway,
One month passed, and i wonder how many still left....
not homesick yet...i'm just thinking that...
Everything is fine, right?
Niyo, how come that your'e always late....
2008年9月16日 星期二
A thing periodic
The road to isolation seems to be inevitable.
so negative that it's not supposed to appear here.
But it's here as i see it.
The awareness and realization become much clearer than ever before.
And i find myself become wreck again, and this time even some fragile.
i know, everybody has fragile moment themselves.
i know, i'll recover either completely or incompletely in couple of days,
it's kind of a periodic thing.
periodically and occasionaly, i feel restless in rest.
A silent anxiety spreaded and prevailed from heart to skin, and then
i felt cold, so cold that i woke up in the midnight.
i shouldn't be this place where i'm supposed to be.
So where is it?
The attempt of discovering that unknown land has been endless in that
once i thought i found it, it just became unknown in the next second.
And i got lost again.
So lost
that i skipped my afternoon class for the first time yesterday,
and i couldn't remember any possible reason.
so negative that it's not supposed to appear here.
But it's here as i see it.
The awareness and realization become much clearer than ever before.
And i find myself become wreck again, and this time even some fragile.
i know, everybody has fragile moment themselves.
i know, i'll recover either completely or incompletely in couple of days,
it's kind of a periodic thing.
periodically and occasionaly, i feel restless in rest.
A silent anxiety spreaded and prevailed from heart to skin, and then
i felt cold, so cold that i woke up in the midnight.
i shouldn't be this place where i'm supposed to be.
So where is it?
The attempt of discovering that unknown land has been endless in that
once i thought i found it, it just became unknown in the next second.
And i got lost again.
So lost
that i skipped my afternoon class for the first time yesterday,
and i couldn't remember any possible reason.
心想, 回家後一定要抓下來 :)
算算這應該是小五的歌曲吧(?) 十幾年前了
這首歌描繪出的意境 難以形容的好...(我無法形容)
好吧, 很有"古"味 .... 請原諒我的中文能力 = =
方文山寫的當然也有水準, 可是總感覺那是為寫而寫.
而新鴛鴦蝴蝶夢裡的詞 可說是句句經典字字貼切啊.
新鴛鴦蝴蝶夢 - 黃安
昨日像那東流水 離我遠去不可留
今日亂我心 多煩憂
抽刀斷水水更流 舉杯消愁愁更愁
#由來只有新人笑 有誰聽到舊人哭
愛情兩個字 好辛苦
是要問一個明白 還是要裝作糊塗
+看似個鴛鴦蝴蝶 不應該的年代
花花世界 鴛鴦蝴蝶 在人間已是癲
何苦要上青天 不如溫柔同眠
是要問一個明白 還是要裝作糊塗
2008年9月14日 星期日
是嗎? 我忘了。
(當兵還能跑出來吃麥當勞啦!!! 士官長果真不是幹假的!!!)
2008年9月8日 星期一
下麵! 下麵! 我要下麵!
水怎麼還不滾!! 好餓好餓!
> Q <
I'm hungry!! I'm STARVING!!! NOODLES!!
蛋, 絞肉, 洋蔥, 番茄(醬), 香菇
還有就是蠔油囉! 在加一點我最愛的冰糖 >W<
還不錯吃!! :)
嗯, 就是有家的味道啦!!
不過,這次有點驚險, 爆香, 爆到一半, 才發現蛋還沒弄!!(爆)
SUPER EASY!!! 又不用擔心味道沒有!! 好吃好吃!
可惜我的刀無法切骨頭, 所以...........
.....肉好大一塊 XD (but it doesn't matter at all)
其實吃了不少東西, 子維的魯肉還是肉燥飯也OK,
另外學校的SEMINAR 或者是廠商來介紹時, 也會有FREE FOOD!!
FREE!!! YA!!!!!
everybody (well, most of us )goes for FREE FOOD!!
對不起, 我不是要出來嚇人的! 可是沒辦法, 超級興奮的啊!
這裡也買的到耶!! (其實這裡能夠買到的東西還不少XD)
好吃啦!!(加個蛋 更讚!!)
2008年9月4日 星期四
my body is wreck; my mind is crack.
i am overwhelmed.
i miss you; i don't miss you.
the minute i feel myself is leaving you.
the next second i feel he is leaving for you.
i make up my mind, and then i change my mind.
i change my mind so i make up my mind.
my mind, my mind, it splits into exact two
as i said it twice.
i'm losing the direction, the way, and the me.
in the recent days, these intermittent annoyance tend to be more frequent.
i hate the cycle, but fall into it inevitably.
I keep seeking for the way out while walking with eyes folded.
so i'm looking forward to the voice which may come
from the bottom of heart to guide me.
i wait and wait.
Evetually, in a sudden, i heard the voices.
not a voice.
so i stood there, and was overwhlemed by thema.
i feel the pain, which is much stronger than i could ever expect.
i feel sad
so i fold my ear, but it doesn't help - they come from the inside.
s0 i am overwhelmed.
my body is wreck; my mind is crack.......
i am overwhelmed.
i miss you; i don't miss you.
the minute i feel myself is leaving you.
the next second i feel he is leaving for you.
i make up my mind, and then i change my mind.
i change my mind so i make up my mind.
my mind, my mind, it splits into exact two
as i said it twice.
i'm losing the direction, the way, and the me.
in the recent days, these intermittent annoyance tend to be more frequent.
i hate the cycle, but fall into it inevitably.
I keep seeking for the way out while walking with eyes folded.
so i'm looking forward to the voice which may come
from the bottom of heart to guide me.
i wait and wait.
Evetually, in a sudden, i heard the voices.
not a voice.
so i stood there, and was overwhlemed by thema.
i feel the pain, which is much stronger than i could ever expect.
i feel sad
so i fold my ear, but it doesn't help - they come from the inside.
s0 i am overwhelmed.
my body is wreck; my mind is crack.......
2008年9月1日 星期一
8/31 Stone Mountain
Stone Mountain - just like its name, a huge giant stone
like a mountain, They say that it's the highest peak in
Atlanta where you can overlook the whole Atlanta city. And it's the nearst natural vacation site (probably the only) here.
i went there yesterday, climbing, sweating, and having some fun.
it's my third weekend here, and my first going out as well.
Pretty tired which, however, was not caused by the exercise, but some car-sick?
i don't know why but i feel uncomfortable so easily while driving here.
Maybe i'm still in transition.....or my body is so weak.
i felt wreck almost after every drive.
(oh...distraction from the real topic...)
anyway, i did enjoy the time both on my way to the top and on the top.
i like the wind as well as the view there - i don't know whether this is what
they called the overlook of the city because it seems to be quite a distance
between the city and where i stood, but i did see the buildings, far, but yes.
(The Atlanta City)
(<-an warmful England tourist in red helped us for taking picutures,and wanted to also be involved HAHAHA~~)
we left there before the sunset. Maybe we should wait, but well it would be
a big problem on our way back without light....
The sunrise there is said to be more amazing but it means i have to get up
at something like 4 or 5......
Maybe next time....(excuse...)
we had our dinner in a Chinese restaurant. And it was just fine. :)
i got home at 10, and exhausted.
Anyway, It's a good experience and memory.
Since you are here, you should grasp opportunities - going around, discovering,
and broadening horizon.
I'm planning to spend my winter vacations here.
Brothers: the older told the younger that he's very brave to get the top.
Falmily: The most lovely picutre on that day
Gondola: just a gondola, i want to take.
Black little boy: he is just cute
Blode Beauty: i just have no courage to ask for a photo together......damn!!!
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